What Are The 4 Types of Texture? Get Basic Texture Ideas

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By David Wills

Artworks are not meant to please our eyes only. They have feelings to share, messages to pass. And to relate with us by altering all those aesthetical perceptions, textures are used.

That’s right. Textures are the ones that are responsible to waken up all those emotions of us and by just touching or looking at those textures, you can feel that same warmth, love, fear, sorrow, or even the anger that the artist wants to share.

Therefore, artists have invented four different types of textures that increase the quality of artwork in many times. So, what are the 4 types of textures?

Stay tuned with us as we are going to discuss all the things you want to know.

Why We Need Different Textures

Ever noticed the artistic elements that lie around us? You can feel these elements not only by looking but also by touching them. Let me give you an example. Imagine yourself blindfolded and touching a damp and slippery object that is covered by scales.

Getting the chills already? Well, that is exactly what the impasto is all about. And to groom that impression by adding more into the depth of light and drama, you need textures.

However, only one or two of them are not going to be enough. You are going to need much more than to cover up all those emotions and add all of that definition. And that is why we need different textures.

Basic 4 Types of Texture

Different textures indicate different meanings and different approaches. And so, all these textures are categorized into four different types so that they can pass on those meanings and approaches accurately.

But, what are the 4 types of texture and how do you think they create that difference? Well, do not worry. You are going to know all of it as we start by knowing these 4 major types of texture.

1. Actual Texture

Actual textures are more likely added by the real-life objects. As these objects add an earthy tone, the art form gets more realistic. You may often notice artists using organic objects in their work like tree barks or even wooden things.

This technique works very well and creates a clear image in our minds as we can easily relate to them. Besides, adding objects like this increases the detailing of art and boosts its artistic value.

Therefore, even if the object is as trivial as a cotton strand, it strikes directly to our nerves and we get exactly the feeling that the artist is trying to convey. And so, this technique has always been appreciated by artists around the world.

The actual textures are mostly done in different collage forms. It is often done using sandpapers and furs to add those definitions. However, you can incorporate them as you like. And it is considered to be quite easier to pull out this texture as most people are familiar with it.

2. Simulated Texture

Now that you have learned about actual textures and using real-life objects, what do you think will happen if including the thing you want is not practical? You just might want to add a tree leaf that is not available around you. So, what will you do? Seems like a tough call.

Well, not really. For situations like this, a special kind of variety is there which is called the simulated texture. You can say that it behaves more like imitating the real one but, with extreme perfection.

In this case, you can simply imitate the leaf using anything inorganic and give it a real-life look. Sometimes it even gets very difficult to find any difference at all among the simulated and the real one.

However, creating such simulation needs skill and patience. Therefore, day by day more people are getting into learning these skills and using them in many sectors. And as they are so relatable, simulated textures can easily trick your eyes and create a vivid impression of a distinct feeling.

Simulated textures are widely used in computer graphics and paintings. However, there are no such boundaries while using it.

3. Invented Texture

Invented textures are quite different than the actual and simulated ones. Where the previous textures have to directly use or at least reassemble real objects, the invented ones can even indicate or impersonate any non-existent object that the artist wants.

The whole concept of invented textures is very innovative and allows all the improvisations you want. The technique depends on the individual and might also vary from person to person. Now, the question is, how do they pull this out?

Well, there are a lot of techniques to imprint this texture. For example, you can combine lines and planes and create your very own composition that significantly denotes your message.

As there aren’t any definite boundaries or regulations, the texture remains unique and engaging and so, has more of an artistic appeal.

However, you might face some difficulties in expressing yourself as it might prove a bit difficult to understand. Therefore, choose your style carefully to pass on your thoughts.

4. Abstract Texture

This texture is a combination of both the simulated and the invented texture which means you get a type of simulation that looks a bit different than the real one. However, unlike the invented one, the abstract textures focus on representing the existing objects instead of imaginary ones.

With the abstract textures, artists express both the real and the imaginary objects in their ways. This is why it is very creative and acknowledged by a huge amount of people. To mimic a real-life object, artists use simple shapes and lines and fuse them with their touch of style.

Although all of it sounds very difficult to understand, it is quite the opposite as it’s very first concern is to communicate with others. So, all those strokes and lines are carefully crafted to express their thoughts uniquely.

Final Words

A simple texture on a surface can create such a bold impression on our minds. So amazing, right?

So, which one did you like the most? Of course, it is too difficult to choose only one as all of them are so incredibly beautiful.

However, there is still a lot more to know about these amazing facts and we encourage you to learn about them. And who knows? Maybe one day you can also create something amazing of your own!

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